Archives: Book of Medical Revolution
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 You or the readers of this book would almost understand what I explained so far. When describing it from the broadest point of view, you would clearly understand that medical science until now was created by human intellect, whereas the true medical science was created by divine wisdom. In other words, the former adopts the hardening method of the cause of disease and the latter adopts the melting method. The former aims not to excrete toxins and the latter aims to do. The former is the adverse theory and the latter is true theory. The former is in a savage […]
Human Longevity
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 You’ve already understood what disease is. It is the pain which is caused when the toxin in the body is excreted by natural action. In other words, it is cleaning in the body and blood purification action. When understanding this theory and following it, people become healthier and possibly live to be more than a hundred years old. Needless to say, because of disease, people die under a hundred years old. It means people die an unnatural death. If people died a natural death, it is obvious that they can live out their lives, which was given by God. If […]
Health Liberalism
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 The disease is the purification action of the human body and the pain accompanied by this action. In medical science, those meanings are misinterpreted and stopping purification is regarded as the curing method of disease. The most effective way to stop purification is weakening the human body. Therefore, a poison called medicine started to be used. For this reason, the more poisonous medicine is, the more effectively it works. Thanks to the progress of the present medical science, medicine successfully becomes poisonous to almost kill people and the mortality was consequently decreased. Therefore, you should know that is not […]
Adverse Effect of Medicine
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 Now I describe the adverse effect of the medicine. As I explained many times, there is no case in the world that medicine cures the disease. The true cure means that disease is completely healed by medicine without any help of surgery and never recurs. This is the true way of curing disease.
Regarding Toxic Medicine
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 Until then I described toxic medicine in detail. Therefore, you would almost understand what it is. Now I give you an example which clearly shows how it affects us. From generation to generation, people have taken toxic medicine. Consequently, the astonishing amount of toxic medicine is now accumulated in the human body. If medicine truly healed disease, people would become very healthy and no one in the world would suffer from the disease. However, the fact is contrary. In that case, people should come up with a question but never notice at all. They must be under the illusion. It is […]
Toxic Medicine (2)
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 Now I describe the symptoms caused by toxic medicine. When suffering from smallpox, people suffer from itching. This is the severest itchiness of all. This disease is caused by inherited toxic medicine. When purification occurs, the toxin is excreted from the skin. Since terrible pockmarks remain after recovering, people dislike suffering from smallpox. Then they avoid this disease by taking a vaccine. However, it doesn’t mean that the inherited toxins disappear but merely stops excreting them. These remained toxins become the cause of various diseases.
Toxic Medicine (1)
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 Now I explain toxic medicine in further detail. As I previously described, you would almost understand that all kinds of medicines are poisonous, which stop purification and consequently cause various diseases. In medicines, there are two types; Chinese and western medicine. As they have their characteristics, you need to know them to some extent.
Main Diseases: (2) Eye, Ear, Nose and Mouth Disease
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 There are various eye diseases but most of them are cured if they are left as they are. Nevertheless, they become incurable as medicine is used. There is nothing but medicine which hardens toxins. It causes the most of blindness and other incurable eye diseases. Medicine is such a terrible thing.
Maine Disease: (1) Brain Disease
Book of Medical Revolution, written by Mokichi Okada, 1953 From now, I describe the main diseases. It is recently often said that younger people are susceptible to lung disease and the elder ones are to cerebral haemorrhage. That is exactly true. I have already described lung disease or tuberculosis. Now I will explain cerebral haemorrhage in detail. Middle and old aged men and women are susceptible to this disease. As everyone knows, when suffering from a cerebral haemorrhage, a person’s head becomes dull and they cannot speak properly. When the symptom becomes severer, they have their eyes ruin. This disease certainly makes a person be paralyzed on one side.