“Gospel of Heaven” is the collection of the teachings written and spoken by Meshiya-sama, in which he mentioned “God” and “Meshiya.” They are divided into two parts, before and after 4 February 1950 when He established Sekai-Meshiya-kyo. Therefore, it is written as Meshiya-kyo in teachings before 4 February 1950. The teachings in each part are published in chronological order. Meshiya-sama was called “Meishu-sama” until 15 June 1953 but please remember that we call Meshiya-sama in the collection of all teachings here.
Archives: Gospel of Heaven
What is the Power of Kannon?
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 The power of Kannon or Myochi is often said from a long time ago. Needless to say, these words have the same meaning. However, there is no such word as the power of Amitabha, Sakyamuni, or Bodhidharma. Only the power to describe is that of Avalokiteshvara or Kannon. I wonder why. There must be a reason for it. Regarding it, there is no writings nor tradition. I have been wondering about it for a long time but I have made it clear as my faith deepens. Here let me explain it.
Answer to the Worries of Converts
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 When people convert to another religion, it cannot be helped if they are more or less worried. Here I talk about a letter I received. It frankly describes the change of mind and worries of the conversion in detail, which deeply touched my heart. It would be inevitable that every convert has these anxieties and saving such people is one of the important roles for us. That is why I talked about it. When examining it in detail, the point is as follows. The sender is an influential believer in Protestantism but it is […]
The Facts Speak for Themselves
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 Meshiya-kyo has unusually developed in a short period and our teachings have spread over with increasing speed. This would be an unprecedented incident in religious history. What is it for? While we are living in a hard world, people spend money and time to keep believing in this religion earnestly. There must be a reason for it. Furthermore, believers cover various social classes. For example, they are, people engaged in medium commerce and industry, workers and farmers, as well as, politicians, doctors, professors, members of the Diet, superior officials and leading business people. Now […]
Birth Control from a Religious Point of View
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 Recently, the idea of birth control is strongly advocated in Japan. Since eighty-two million people live in Japan, the present experts think that something has to be done. From our point of view as religionists, they have a very materialistic idea and they never take a step forward from it. That is a problem. Then let me explain what I mean.
God and His Incarnations
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 Questioner: Ookami, Kami, Mikoto, what is the difference between them?
Discussion about Descent from Heaven
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 It says that Second Coming of Christ or Advent of the Messiah. It doesn’t mean that Christ or Messiah with a body descends from heaven. It does that a special divine spirit descends from heaven and dwells a chosen human body. It also says that Miroku appears in this world, which means that the soul of Miroku is born in the lower class. In Buddhism, Taizo Miroku describes that there is a period when Miroku is in the womb. To tell the truth, Miroku was already born. Therefore, the world of Buddhism enters the […]
Religion and Science
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 Religion and science are regarded as different matters until today but that is terribly wrong. In fact, everything is included in science and also related to religion as they share a very strong bond. Then why did not people realise their relationship? It is because religions have preached very shallow teachings until today. Even if religion had preached profound theory hundreds or thousands of years ago, people couldn’t have understood it because the culture hadn’t yet progressed at that time like today. For this reason, God never intends to have people do something useless.
The Spirit of Water and Fire
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 Questioner (hereinafter, this is called “Q”): Is there something called the spirit of water in society?
God’s Providence
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 In the first place, what is the universe? Everyone knows that there is the sun, the moon the earth and the stars in the infinite space. We are living on the earth, which is the centre and also the master of the universe. The sun, the moon and the stars exist for the earth and the earth exists by them. Therefore, God created human beings to carry out God’s providence on behalf of Him. He, needless to say, also created everything for them in the universe. In this way, human beings have a great […]
The Truth of Life
Gospel of Heaven written and spoken by Mokichi Okada Part 2: Teachings in 1935~3 February 1950 Everyone knows that soul is the origin of life. Then what is life? Life means that God gives an order to human beings. Japanese kanji character “生” represents God and depicts God sitting and giving an order with His right hand. When receiving His order, human beings are born in this world. They work to carry out His order. Their activity is carried out through their souls. God gives them an order to carry out their mission completely. Let me humbly say that it means to receive the order from the Emperor, who was […]