Miracles of Johrei
Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953
We perform the great miracles of curing the disease. However, no matter how many times we tell people about them and let them read our thank-you reports, their doubt comes first. They never believe them. It is because they fully get caught up with the opinion about the existing religion and the theory of modern medicine. I feel terribly sorry for them. How horrible the present society is! The following report describes such a state very much. Every religion strongly has a self-righteous idea that its own is the best. They convince people that others are all heretical religions. It is no wonder that the believers follow the opinions of their belonging religion. I just feel sorry for them. It would be hard for them to believe our miracles because a religion like ours, which brings people tremendous benefits, has never before existed. However, people all over the world will eventually get to know Sekai-Meshiya-kyo. When that time comes, they will recognise our power of salvation and deeply believe in Sekai-Meshiya-kyo. That will definitely happen.
Translated by N.H.