Creation of Civilization
General Part
Written by Mokichi Okada in 1952
I described the basic theory about evil so far; evil was necessary and it contributed to the development of culture as it is today. Here, I must describe one more important thing. Since the dawn of history, a great number of religions have been born. They have encouraged goodness and driven out evil as much as possible without exception. It is, of course, natural since their purpose is supposed to get rid of evil. Regarding this, I was often asked the following question; “Gods and buddhas are the embodiments of love and mercy. Then how come they create bad people, let them commit a crime and punish them? That’s contradictory, isn’t it? It’s better if they don’t create evil in the first place. Then they won’t need to punish the bad. That is the true divine love, isn’t it?” Their point is only natural and I have no words against them. Besides, I think the same as they do. Every time I was asked like that, therefore, I replied, “I see, it must be true. However, I cannot answer your question because I am not a person who first created evil. Namely, God did it for some reason. I think He will show the fundamental reason why He created evil someday. All we can do is wait for the time to come.”
Finally, that time has come. I am overjoyed that God disclosed the reason in detail to me. I think many people have the same question. Therefore, they are sure to widely open their eyes when reading what I describe from now. It is as if they have got a light in a dark night. Then, why did all religious founders until today accuse evil? As I previously explained in detail, evil was necessary for a certain period. However, God didn’t let them know that deep meaning. Therefore, even good gods had no way of knowing it. They just try to construct a heaven world with only justice. On the other hand, evil gods are willing to do anything to attain their purpose. They try to fulfil their ambition with evil.
As a matter of fact, the deadline for evil has finally come and God directly exerts His power. He has chosen the person who I am to reveal the fundamental meaning of good and evil. That is because religious founders until today were not given enough power. Christ is a good example. He called himself not a saviour but an expiator. An expiator literary means a person who expiates sins. In other words, he takes a role in bearing all sins of all people on himself, apologising to God and asking Him for forgiveness. In short, Christ was the representative of all the people. It means He was a god in a position to be forgiven but not to forgive. For this reason, He was crucified to atone for all people’s sins.
This also applies to Buddhism. Shakyamuni first tried to construct a world of happiness with Buddhism. He taught the meaning of numerous sutras and devoted himself to preaching down to people. However, it didn’t progress as He expected. Meanwhile, as Buddhist scriptures say, He reached ‘Ken-Shin-Jitsu’ at the age of seventy-two and learned His true fate and mission for the first time. He realised He was wrong and knew the world of happiness would appear in the far distant future. Therefore, He confessed there were not a few mistakes in the sutras he taught so far. After that, He preached the truth, which was written in ‘Hometsujin-Kyo Sutra (Decline of the Law Sutra),’ ‘Mirokushutsugenjouju-Kyo Sutra (Appearance of Maitreya Sutra)’ and ‘the twenty-eighth chapter of Hokekyo Sutra (Lotus Sutra).’ In short, Shakyamuni knew ‘Butsumetsu’ or Buddhist teachings would certainly perish and said the world of ‘Miroku’ or Paradise on Earth would come after ‘Butsumetsu.’ This is a familiar story. Here, I have one thing to note. That is about when the world of ‘Miroku’ comes. Shakyamuni said that the world of ‘Miroku’ would come 5,670 million years later. If you consider it well, you won’t think that He needed to predict the event in such a distant future. Basically, there is no point to do that because we cannot imagine what happens to the earth and human beings at that time. Then why did Shakyamuni say so? According to God’s revelation, it is because He showed numbers five, six and seven. They have deep meanings; five means the sun (fire), six means the moon (water) and seven means the earth (soil). Although the correct order is five, six and seven, it was six, seven and five until now. I will describe it in detail later. In any case, even the two great holy persons of Christ and Shakyamuni couldn’t preach the truth. Therefore, it is obvious that no one can understand sutras and Bible clearly and therefore, possibly grasp the truth. Needless to say, it was inevitable due to time issues.
As a matter of fact, God finally reveals profound truth. This book explains it clearly without any doubt. Anyone can easily grasp the truth. Now, the great evil power controls ninety-nine per cent of all things and is about to control the rest of one per cent. Surprisingly, one per cent good power emerges and overthrows the evil schemes at once. In other words, people used to live in a world where evil leads and good follows but it becomes the one where good leads and evil follows. Specifically speaking, ninety-nine per cent evil means modern medicine. It was good so far because it is a necessary evil as mentioned above. Eventually, however, medicine has completely controlled the most precious lives of human beings. If the medicine is wrong, human lives are terribly in danger, which is beyond description. In this way, medicine is firmly believed by people in the world. Therefore, it is, needless to say, not easy for us to correct it.
Translated by N.H.