The story of a 49-year-old housewife, UK
At the beginning of December, my husband said, “it was hard to walk since I was out of breath”. Nothing happened after a while, but the same thing happened when he went to the cinema. He had a sharp pain on his left arm, too. We researched what is wrong with him, but we could not pinpoint the exact cause. So I told him he had better got to see the doctor, but he didn’t.
Just after Christmas, the couple who are our friends and medical professional came for dinner. They told my husband that he had better go to see the doctor ASAP.
So we were supposed to go to Lake district the next morning, but he decided to see doctor first thing in the morning. He was given check-ups for the heart at a local general practice, but nothing found wrong. So, in the end, we set off to Lake district by car and we arrived after 5 hours drive.
During the holiday, the same things happened like walking a little bit made him out of breath. One afternoon he climbed a fairly steep hill with our girls, he had sharp pain he hasn’t have had before on his chest in the evening. I performed Johrei through the night and he calmed down the next morning.
After New Year starts, he went through some more detailed examinations, we found out that he needs heart bypass operation. Also, he was told he must have had a heart attack some time ago. However, he or I can’t remember that he complained of chest pain before… Though I think he might have had a heart attack that night in Lake district, he was told that vein or capillaries are growing, so it must have been a while ago. Actually, you could have a heart attack without notice, but his heart itself is very good condition with no problem. Just only problem is his main arteries have been blocked. I think he had a heart attack, however, he has been given Johrei every day since the first time he felt out of breath in December, so it makes vein or capillaries grown.
After all his operation had been postponed twice, but he has been Johrei every day, his operation was successful without any complication in the middle of May. He is getting better and stronger each day. We really would like to say thank you very much to Meshiya-sama for giving a second chance to live for him.
[Testimonials:Lifestyle disease June 2015]
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