Thank-You Report #115

Reported by H.Y. in Tokushima on 1 September 1952   At the end of April 1952, Mr M visited my place to worship. He is a believer in Sekai-Meshiya-kyo. He said, “Recently, my neighbour asked me to perform Johrei on her daughter. However, her condition didn’t get better than I expected. So, I came here to ask you to give me advice.” The daughter A was working as a housekeeper at a certain clinic. She is gentle and obedient. Since she works hard, she is the doctor and his wife’s favourite. A was always fine but suddenly got sick on 20 April. Luckily or unluckily, she works at the doctor’s […]

Thank-You Report #114

Reported by K.K. in Hyogo on 17 September 1952 Thank you very much for saving me, Meshiya-sama. I report my experience with gratitude. It would be no wonder if I were not in this world now. I just shed tears that I am still alive. I am just full of gratitude. Three years ago, I was wandering down the pitch-dark path without a torch nor cane. I didn’t know where I was brought but just kept wandering in tears. However, Dai-Kyomyo-Nyorai-sama gave the divine light to me in such a condition. He took my hand and brought me out to the path of divine light. I have prayed to Dai-Kyomyo-Nyorai-sama […]

Thank-You Report #113

Reported by I.K. in Shizuoka on 6 October 1952 Just beg for the long life as nothing is more important than it. We are overjoyed with grace after the life-threatening disease is healed. My father was blessed with good health and never ill in bed even for a day. He sometimes suffered from periodontal disease and took antibacterial drugs such as Albasil and others that were actively sold as an anti-suppuration agent at that time. They negatively affected his strong stomach and intestines. The stomach hurt when it was empty. He suffered from so-called gastric hyperacidity. Then he continuously took various stomach medicine. As a result, he had persistent diarrhoea. […]

Thank-You Report #112

Reported by S.S. in Kagawa on 23 December 1952 I had been absolutely confident in my health since I was born. I was generally accepted as a leading person in health for more than twenty years. In September 1947, however, I was suddenly struck down by illness. Since I had never experienced the suffering of illness, I felt the deepest sorrow that was beyond description. Even so, I did believe that a doctor would find the cause of my illness. I did believe that medicine would heal my illness. So, I visited the nearest clinic and had medicine without knowing what was wrong with me. Since then, I had continued […]

Thank-You Report #111

Reported by K.C. in Hyogo on 1 February 1953 Thank you very much for giving grace a lot every day, Meshiya-sama. Here I sincerely report my experience. It was the end of last December. I realised by chance that cosmetics were harmful as same as medicine, chemical fertiliser and so on. I had thought that make-up was feminine modesty but it was contrarily a minor sin as it deceived people. I used to stand in front of the mirror every day and enjoy making up very much with various expensive oversee cosmetics. However, I suddenly stopped it. People around me were surprised, looked coldly at me and ridiculed me. Now, […]

Thank-You Report #110

Reported by M.M in Tokyo on 17 January 1953 Here I sincerely report the grace I received with gratitude, Meshiya-sama. I never thought that I was diagnosed with tuberculosis. In August 1947, sweltering days continued. I felt fatigued more and more. I visited the doctor for the first time. The doctor told me to stop working immediately and take rest treatment. I will never forget my surprise and sadness when I heard his words. So, I started to take medical treatment while visiting the doctor regularly. It continued for about two and a half years until April 1950. I had rest first as the doctor told me and concentrated on […]

Thank-You Report #109

Reported by S.T. in Kyoto on 17 January 1953 Thank you very much for giving us numerous blessings every day, Meshiya-sama. On 3 September 1952, I took a health check-up at Kyosai hospital. I was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis as a result of an X-ray examination. I had an egg-sized cavity in the right lung. The doctor said, “It is difficult to apply a pneumothorax treatment in your case. You should be admitted to a sanatorium.” I couldn’t feel like getting hospitalised. I just took medicine for about ten days but stopped it as I had heard there was no effective medicine for lung disease. After a while, my acquaintance […]

Thank-You Report #108

Reported by O.S. in Tokushima on 6 March 1953 Thank you very much for giving us your continuous grace, Meshiya-sama. Thanks to the absolute power of God, my second daughter M was saved from a desperate condition in June 1952. Now, we live a life full of gratitude. At that time, M was six years old and started going to a nursery school the last April. She became weak in the middle of May. She was losing appetite but kept going to nursery school somehow. However, she got weaker and weaker. She finally lost her energy to go to nursery school. Around that time, she never failed to have a […]

Thank-You Report #107

Reported by N.N. in Oita on 20 March 1951 I would like to report three cases of miscarriage that I involved as a midwife. Case 1; A woman was thirty-five years old and about three months pregnant. She had a fever with chills and smelly lochia. She had a so-called septic miscarriage. I performed Johrei to the head and upper body for about five minutes. I also performed Johrei to the womb from sacroiliac joints and the upper edge of the pectineal muscle for about twenty minutes each. Then her fever came down to normal. A kind of fragment and a silkworm sized thing came out few times. A red […]

Thank-You Report #106

Reported on 17 July 1951 by E.K. born in China “Please look after my daughter for a while,” The wife next door left her five-year-old daughter. That is her usual ploy. My wife and I looked at each other and laughed. The girl looked just to stop crying. The trace of tears and runny nose made stripe patterns in her face. “Your tummy hurts?” I asked her. She said, “Yes. Johrei, please.” Since her headache and tummy ache was cured by Johrei sometimes, she came and asked my wife to perform Johrei when she got ill. The girl is innocent but her parents are not. They, of course, know that […]