Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 Although I say all the time the harmful effect of medicine, people seem to be quite difficult to believe it. Even some of our believers don’t understand that the pain in illness is caused by medicine. They often think that it is caused for a spiritual reason. That is a problem. Since the evil spirit possesses the area where toxic medicine accumulates, it never possesses if toxic medicine is eliminated. The following report shows how frightening toxic medicine is. So, please read it thoroughly. However, ordinary people don’t know this fact. They take poison and create the cause of disease while paying […]
Archives: Miracles of Johrei
The Nonsense of Medical Care
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 The following report clearly describes that medical treatment worsens the disease. The more the patient had it, the worse the disease got. Therefore, she stopped it and just depended on Johrei. Then she soon recovered. It is funny that the doctor misunderstood her disease was cured with medical care because she kept it secret. The doctor pat himself on the back and tried to present a paper in the medical society. We are a bit sorry for him that we tell the truth here but it is unavoidable for the salvation of humankind. Translated by N.H. Thank-You Report #115
Pitiful People of Today
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 People of today do believe that medicine cures the disease. The harder they try to cure the disease with medicine, the worse it gets. They never dream that it is because they have the wrong therapy. Therefore, they absolutely depend on medicine. As a result, the disease gets worse intolerable. Even if that happens, they don’t realise their fault. What a surprise! They still believe in medicine when it happens and visit doctors and hospitals here or there. They get frustrated and desperate while spending a large number of medical expenses. When looking at such a current situation, it is so miserable […]
The Awfulness of Toxic Medicine
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 I say enough all the time that medicine is awful. The following report shows it very clearly. So, please read it thoroughly. The reporter’s father was at first healthy except for suffering from periodontal disease. He didn’t know that it would be healed when he was patient to leave it as it was. Therefore, he followed the doctor’s advice without knowing the truth. He took various medicines, which made other diseases one after another. He suffered very much but didn’t realise the cause. He finally had no way out. He was fortunately saved by Johrei. If he had not met Sekai-Meshiya-kyo, he […]
The Victim of Toxic Medicine
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 Human beings fall into the superstition of medicine and therefore, they get in trouble very much. When you understanding that and look at the sick in society, you would have something that comes to mind about it. People often say since a long time ago that love sees no faults. Since people of today fall in love with medicine and admire it, they never realise that they are truly and terribly damaged by medicine. It is a very serious problem. Worse still, the experts in civilised nations praise it and encourage people to use it while being in trouble with it. What […]
Terrible Effect of Cosmetics Poisoning
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 Women in general today don’t realise the harm of cosmetics at all. This is actually a considerable problem. Every kind of cosmetic today includes a variety of medicine. American ones are particularly terrible as I recently heard that American young women are seriously in trouble with their very rough facial skin. I feel sorry for them all the more because they don’t know it is caused by cosmetics. However, that is not only the case in America. I recently often hear that Japanese women have the same problem. It shows that purification became more intense in the spiritual world. Please think about […]
The Power of Salvation
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 We perform the great miracles of curing the disease. However, no matter how many times we tell people about them and let them read our thank-you reports, their doubt comes first. They never believe them. It is because they fully get caught up with the opinion about the existing religion and the theory of modern medicine. I feel terribly sorry for them. How horrible the present society is! The following report describes such a state very much. Every religion strongly has a self-righteous idea that its own is the best. They convince people that others are all heretical religions. It is no […]
Unconcerned About the Effect
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 The following report describes that tuberculosis was cured by Johrei. The reporter had an egg-sized cavity in the lung, which is the distinctive symptom of tuberculosis, but it shrunk in three months. What’s more, he gained about 6 kilograms. The doctor was surprised at the miracles happening to him and asked him how he could recover. He told the doctor that he was saved by Sekai-Meshyia-kyo. The doctor grinned and that’s all. I always wonder why the doctors don’t face the fact. That is a big problem even from a medical point of view. Besides, tuberculosis is the most serious problem in […]
Leukaemia is Easily Cured by Johrei
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 I recently read an article that filled the pages of newspapers. It was about a six-year-old child who suffered from leukaemia. Many children donated blood one after another to cure his disease but he finally died. This news clearly shows that medicine is not yet progressed. On the other hand, the following report says that leukaemia is completely cured by Johrei in a week. Johrei is far more effective than medical treatment. I was stunned to read this report in our religious newspaper. Johrei is a wonderful method indeed. However, the doctors, whether they know it or not, make their patients pay […]
A Comparison between Johrei and Medicine 2
Miracles of Johrei Written by Okada Mokichi, 1953 I always say that our method of Johrei is far more effective than medicine. The following report truly describes it. The reporter is an expert and clearly explains the difference between Johrei and medical treatment. Therefore, there is no room to doubt. I would like especially medical specialists to read this report. Translated by N.H. Thank-You Report #107