Thank-You Report #002
Reported by I.I. in Hiroshima on 17 December 1952
I sincerely thank Meshiya-sama for your protection. My mother’s illness was cured even though she was just waiting for her death. My parents were full of joy when they became a believer. When looking at them and reading newspapers published by Sekai-Meshiya-kyo, I prayed to have the holly amulet as my parents did, and then I became a long-awaited believer on 23 July 1952.
To get a job at the Japanese National Railways, I went to the hospital to have health check-ups. To take an X-ray photo of the chest, I had my top off and placed the amulet on my clothes. I didn’t know what was wrong but the most important part of my chest was not in the photo. The doctor was wondering and took two more photos. The person in front of and behind me had theirs taken properly but mine was not. I had heard that the light of the amulet was stronger than atomic bomb radiation. I realised that God showed me a miracle but did not tell anyone at the hospital. However, I would not be able to get a job unless an X-ray photo was taken properly. I once went to the station and explained my situation to the person in charge. He said, “If God did so, why don’t you ask Him to take it properly then?” He was right. I forgot to do so. I soon visited the hall of Sekai-Meshiya-kyo and ask Meshiya-sama my favour. On the next day, I asked the doctor to take an X-ray photo again. Then it was properly taken. I was able to get a job and always work hard now. The person who had no photo of the chest is usually not employed but I had a second chance to take a photo. It must be God’s protection and I sincerely thank Meshiya-sama. I don’t know how helpful I can be but do hope that I dedicate myself to work for Sekai-Meshiya-kyo.
[Miracles of Johrei]
Translated by N.H.
Thank-You Report #003
Reported by K.K. in Kanagawa on 8 February 1951
The following thing is described in Meshiya-sama’s teaching titled “The divine spirit was proved by real science;” it is scientifically proved that the light emitted from the amulet was stronger than X-ray radiation. This fact is supported by the thank-you report which was written by Mr N. When I visited Atami to worship on 18 October 1950, I honourably listen to Meshiya-sama’s lecture nearby and did feel how grateful divine light was. At the almost same time, my son had a similar miraculous experience to Mr N did. I was more deeply touched. Here, I would like to report what happened to my son.
At the beginning of October, my eldest son, who was in the 4th grade of elementary school, hesitantly said, “I have to take an X-ray photo.” Because of the amulet which he hung around the neck, he would be in trouble when he had to get naked at school. Besides, we are afraid of neglecting it. Therefore, we made him leave the amulet at home on that day. After half a month, he said to me, “I got the result of X-ray photo today. Everyone except me was taken it properly but I was not even though the photo was taken twice. So, I was told to forget about it.” Ah, just as I thought I was. We didn’t know the situation in detail as he was a child but the truth was that only my son couldn’t have an X-ray photo even twice. I soon reported to the chairperson of Sekai-Meshiya-kyo. He said, “Because of the spiritual link, X-ray radiation was blocked by the amulet even though your son didn’t hang it. In this way, God always protects us through the amulet and shows miracles. I sincerely thank Mashiya-sama for his infinitive grace. God makes people understand and believe the greatness of His divine light as soon as possible and saves them. The power of science or fear of the atomic bomb comes to no surprise to people who are given the amulet and protected by God. That is obvious. Our whole family have been given countless grace and saved. Furthermore, we honourably had such valuable experience. From now on, we would like to work for constructing Paradise on Earth. Here I conclude my report. Thank you very much.
[Miracles of Johrei]
Translated by N.H.